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Step Back in Time and Uncover the Dark History of Paris

The Conciergerie is a unique destination that offers visitors a glimpse into the past. Once the seat of power for French kings, the building was transformed into a prison during the French Revolution, where prisoners awaited trial and sentencing that often resulted in the guillotine. Visitors can explore the prison cells, see the reconstructed courtroom, and view artifacts and exhibits that tell the story of the revolution and the people who lived through it. Additionally, the architecture of the building is stunning, with vaulted ceilings, Gothic arches, and beautiful stained glass windows. Whether you're a history buff or just looking for a unique experience in Paris, the Conciergerie is a must-visit. #Conciergerie #ParisHistory #FrenchRevolution #TravelParis

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Visit Conciergerie 2 Bd du Palais, 75001 P...

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