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Discover the surprising story of the world's first social network

Before pinging inboxes and text messages, people actually had to wait for a mailman to deliver their news. Get back to communication basics, with tickets for the Postal Museum. Uncover the story of the postal system and even see letters recovered from a shipwreck! From five-wheeled cycles to rockets and an escaped lioness, the story of the postal service is long and full of incredible tales. These Postal Museum tickets will unlock them all! See a restored mail coach that once thundered across the country. Get up close to the world's only sheet of Penny Black stamps, the world's first postage stamps. Send anonymous messages to a friend (or stranger) through pneumatic tubes, and see a horde of unread love letters recovered from maritime misfortune. Explore the Postal Museum's Mail Rail, a 100-year-old subterranean network of tunnels now open to the public as a 15-minute miniature train ride. Forget what you think you know about the post and get ready for a surprise or two!

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The Postal Museum 15-20 Phoenix Pl, Londo...

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