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Taste your way through London's food markets and learn some local lingo

Taste London's multicultural food scene on a unique foodie tour around Brick Lane's markets. With cuisine from over 40 different countries represented, you might have to loosen your belt! Chow down on a traditional Jewish beigel from the famous Beigel Bake, with fillings such as hot salt beef with mustard, or chopped herring, salmon and cream cheese. Stop by Dark Sugars and savor rich Ghanaian hot chocolate made with real crushed chocolate flakes, and see a chocolate-making lesson! Feast on freshly cooked East End Asian samosas and a sweet ‘Jelaby’ treat, enjoy fresh oysters with a glass of bubbly at The English Restaurant, and discover the art of Cockney rhyming slang with your passionate local tour guide. Cor blimey, what a day!

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Exotic East End Experience & Optional Sunday Market Shoreditch High Street ...

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Exotic East End Experience & Optional Sunday Market from Team LifeList

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